Ethics Code

Setting ethical standards for the TEM industry


The mission of the Ethics Committee is to establish ETMA as the accepted ethical standard and industry authority for the Telecom Expense Management (TEM) industry and to enhance the category image of TEM though an Ethics Code. ETMA is seeking to use its industry position to have this code apply to the entire industry: members, non-members and all market participants.

We Agree To...

ETMA members commit to a shared Ethics Code with each other and the market.

Members will communicate the Ethics Code to their employees and take responsibility to insure that all employees adhere to this Ethics Code.

Members may submit items for review to get an opinion from the Ethics Committee.

If a member has evidence that another member or non-member may have violated this Ethics Code, the member is obligated to present the information to the Ethics Committee for review.

Continuous violations of the Ethics Code by a member company may lead to expulsion of the company from ETMA and forfeiture of its membership.

Ethics Code

1. Members will adhere to generally accepted standards of accuracy and truth in advertising, marketing, sales, and all other forms of communication.

Accuracy Standards – The contents of communications in all forms must represent statements of fact. Statistics, implied comparisons, and so-called ‘first to market or only to offer a particular capability’ must be provable. Neglecting to research statements may present a clear conflict with other members, ETMA’s interest in the Ethics Code and industry standards. Examples of false or misleading statements if they cannot be proven include:

  1. XYZ is the #1 TEM Solution Provider.” (Implies that a neutral 3rd party study has awarded status)
  2. “XYZ is/was the first company to offer… “(Implies that no single TEM vendor does this)
  3. “XYZ manages more telecom invoices in Europe…” (Implies everyone else manages less)

2. Members will disclose to clients any potential conflicts of interest, which may be perceived as conflict with duty to the client including payment from parties associated with service delivery.

3. Members will not offer payment or gifts to clients or potential clients for their business.

4. Members will not offer payment or gifts to clients or potential clients for their business.

5. Members will treat competitors as they want to be treated.

6. Members will act with professionalism and deal fairly with clients, past and present, fellow members, and the general public.

7. ETMA has zero tolerance for sexual harassment, bullying or racism. Sexual harassment includes harassment based on a person’s gender identity or experience or sexual orientation, unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or any conduct of a sexual nature. Prohibited conduct, includes the items below.

  1. Racism prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group.
  2. Bullying creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
  3. Lewd comments, jokes, stories, E-mail, or cards; conversations with sexual innuendo.
  4. Sexual flirtation, propositions or threats; sexting.
  5. Using crude and offensive language.
  6. Unwanted or inappropriate touching such as patting, pinching, massaging or hugging;
  7. Sexual gestures.
  8. Use or display of sexually suggestive photographs, objects, or pornographic pictures.
  9. Derogatory comments about another person’s sex, gender or sexual orientation.
  10. This is not an exhaustive list.

8. Members will safeguard the confidences of both present and former clients, and they will not accept retainers which may involve the disclosure or use of these confidences to the disadvantage or prejudice of such clients.

9. Prior to the commencement of client engagements, members will establish clear definitions of the services and products to be provided, clear contracts, and make the client aware of the fee structure and all associated costs.

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