Data Security Needs, Complexities and Penalties Are Rising

The need to manage mobile data security is increasing. Complexities, penalties and damages from failing to address this critical area are also rising. ETMA members span many different business models and service offerings, but despite the diversity of our organization, data security is one concern that we all share.

The following statistics highlight the growing need for data security in mobility:

  • According to the 2017 Security Pressures Report from Trustwave, 65% of IT professionals felt pressure to roll out new technology before proper security measures were implemented and tested. Additionally, Trustwave reports that nearly 20% of enterprises had not conducted any security checks in the 6 months preceding their survey.
  • IDC research estimates that by 2020, over 70% of U.S. employees – or roughly 105 million workers will be part of the mobile workforce.
  • In 2016, Forrester reported that 75% of employees use their own devices for work activities.
  • The average cost of a data breach is $4 million and approximately $158 per lost or stolen device. (Ponemon Institute’s 2016 Cost of Data Breach Study)
  • Other developing technologies like IoT and wearables continue to gain adoption and will play an increasing role within an enterprise’s data security program.

Today’s cybercriminals combine a range of approaches to attack businesses and their customers from multiple angles—or “vectors.” One area that is often neglected is retirement and disposal or e-recycling of IT equipment. Most enterprises turn to solutions providers to address these challenges. In some situations these providers must rely on partners to create a comprehensive solution (i.e. procurement, deployment, help desk, depot repair, value recovery and e-recycling).

Vetting of partners’ data security certifications and policies becomes an important step in ensuring that strict controls are in place throughout the entire chain of custody. If you are partnered with Asset Disposition or E-Recycling company, this is of particular importance. Enterprise devices, which are being retired, often contain sensitive corporate data. It is also important to remember that hard drives are not the only devices that contain sensitive information. A shredding system can help destroy all forms of electronic media (flash drives, CD-ROMs, floppy disks, and data tapes). A full service electronics recycling, remarketing, and global scrap purchasing company can help address these issues.

This is where it is helpful to have a firm that can provide on-site or in-house data destruction and sanitization services. In addition to data destruction, serialized asset tracking services that can be performed on site or within your E-Recycling company’s facilities can provide clear tracking and chain of custody. Real-time access to your IT asset disposition reports, open orders and/or orders in progress is the final ingredient that will help ensure that organizations meet their data security challenges when it is time to retire IT assets.

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