David Sonenstein, ETMA Secretary; Partner, BP Tech

David Sonenstein

Having been a member of the ETMA Ethics Committee, I am thrilled to be expanding my role within ETMA’s leadership. In my past leadership role at Ezwim, as a wholesale provider to TEM/WEM/MMS firms, and currently at BP Tech, I bring a unique perspective to ETMA. I am amazed how, even in an industry as competitive as ours; members can come together and collectively raise the standards of quality in our solutions and our relationships with each other.

I have worked in the technology space since 2000, more than half of that time in TEM specifically. Since 2012, I have been assisting ETMA members expand their service capabilities both domestically and internationally. I have developed mutually beneficial relationships with several members of the organization. This has given me the opportunity to understand their business models, goals, and helped drive many members into new revenue streams. If you are in the space but not participating in ETMA, you are certainly missing out.

Grow and transform your business with new…

  • Operational efficiencies for back-office processes.
  • Sales through partnerships.

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