Vote for TEM

Technology and Telecom Expense Management (TEM) are not on the November ballot, but organizations are voting to cut unnecessary costs. Cost savings and benefits from TEM programs may be obvious, but many TEM programs have been voted out by constituents who have no idea of TEM program benefits, the TEM business case and why TEM is needed. Learn strategies to save, defend and grow your TEM program.
It is important for TEM Solutions providers to review the objectives of the program with clients each quarter. Managers at enterprises should use these reviews to prepare for annual reviews with finance, IT and other departments. In these annual meetings, solutions providers can tag team with their enterprise program managers to answer important questions.

    • What does the TEM program do?
      • How much did the program save through refunds, credits and cost avoidance?
      • Do reports, data analytics or other information provide benefits?
      • Are there indirect benefits from…
        • Consistent application of procurement policies
          processes and improving collaboration
        • Better information for improved decisions
        • Freeing working capital
        • Redirecting staff to focus on income producing projects and areas where they add more value
      • What labor savings does it provide through automation of manual processes or outsourcing?
      • Is there risk mitigation from improved compliance to mobile policy?
      • TEM processes to apply corporate, mobile policy and accounting rules globally?
    • Why is the TEM program needed?
    • What would happen if it were not in place?

The presentation should emphasize that validation of billing is NOT a one-time event. Bills will always have overcharges due to the complexity and range of items/services that are on the invoice. Errors tend to be overcharges not undercharges because prices usually decline for technology and telecom. Invoices reflect older higher prices. In other cases, bills may fail to reflect reductions in services that are being used from Move, Add, Change and Disconnect (MACD) activity. Also, failure to apply special pricing in contracts and lags in implementing reductions in new contracts can lead to billing errors.
Senior executives that approve the TEM budget need to understand that IT and telecom expenses are complex and changing. Telecom bills require a proactive approach to secure refunds before the statute of limitations runs out. Optimization savings opportunities through cost avoidance for telecom and IT change as usage and plans change. When an organization fails to act because it doesn’t have the resources or a program in place, the cost avoidance and optimization savings are forfeited forever.
Enterprises need a combination of technology, specialized knowledge and resources to file claims and secure refunds. Cost cutting never goes out of style. TEM programs win more votes when they proactively showcase the value they bring to the organization.

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  • Operational efficiencies for back-office processes.
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