The ROI of Technology and Telecom Expense Management Investing in a Technology Expense Management (TEM) system can provides significant long term benefits for those who choose adopt it. The ROI of TEM extends far beyond identifying billing errors while pursuing audits.
The benefits from supporting these systems can be segmented into 2 main categories: Cost Transparency Process Efficiency Cost Transparency Seeing what you spend. There is a huge benefit that helps companies understand their telecom environment.
ROI: Priceless Contractual rates VS. Billing Rates: Matching contract terms against billing costs and usage identifies discrepancies and unused services. ROI: 2%-15% off your monthly phone bill!
Risk Mitigation: By identifying potentially fraudulent behavior, your company can insure itself against worst-case scenarios. ROI: Probabilty of Lawsuite X cost of penalty, Or (for publically traded companies) .. potentially adverse effects of share price movement.
Process Efficiency Sourcing: Telecom Expense Management consolidates all of your cost and usage information to make it easier to negotiate the best rates with carriers. ROI: 5-25% lower rates!
Invoice Processing: Through automating invoices payments you can reduce administration costs, and avoid late fees all together. ROI: 50% reduction in time required to process invoices, while saving .5%-2% of expenses from timely payments.
Procurement: By standardizing purchasing, management approvals, and empowering employees to order their own services your company can free up valuable resources and time. ROI: 65% Improvement in procurement efficiency!