Reduce Operating Costs by Cutting Mobility Expenses

Many enterprises pay their mobility bills without really having a handle on their expenses, subscribers or consumption. These oversights are costing companies millions of dollars a year.

In fact, for many organizations, mobile assets are growing faster than they can track. It’s no wonder mobility is costing companies money they don’t even know about.

In today’s wireless world, it’s vitally important for organizations to rein in mobility expenses to protect corporate profitability. There are several key areas to look at and steps to implement on the path to smart wireless expense management.

  • Create transparency – Controlling and reducing costs starts with establishing financial visibility throughout the lifecycle of an asset, contract or service usage. Too many times within an organization, significant costs are buried in IT budgets, contracts or vendor service agreements. Working with a mobility expense management firm will help uncover hidden costs or unnecessary expenditures. Enterprises need to develop strategies to manage vendors and vendor activity to tighten the supply chain, and right-size contracts for the mobile estate. This will lead to cost reductions and greater efficiencies. Some additional steps include:
    • Account consolidation
    • Contract negotiation and management
    • Consumption controls (invoicing, billing corrections, audits, consumption, fast emergency device replacement and repairs.)
    • Budget and run rate analysis
  • Drive decisions based on analytics — Employing an analytics-driven approach will yield high-value results that will enable your executives to make smarter decisions about mobility that are more aligned with corporate goals. Find out if your mobility management solutions provider analyzes your actual data and current wireless assets to produce focused reporting that identifies your specific opportunities for optimizations. A detailed expense analysis using your actual data (number of wireless assets, consumption rates, billing fees, etc.) will provide that much-needed financial visibility as well as other key metrics.
  • Implement a recycling program – All wireless assets have a shelf life, and corporate-provided mobile devices need to be recycled as employees leave your organization. Life cycle management that includes a vetted recycling program can actually yield revenue, safeguard corporate data, and do something environmentally sound.
  • Contract and vendor management – This is a big challenge. . There are over 100 available data plans on the market. Employees or departments may have varying data usage needs, and rates shift like the sand. It is often easier to outsource to a professional mobility management team that can help you reduce wireless spend by optimizing and managing contracts and managing vendors.Informed vendor agnostic mobility management experts can improve sourcing and procurement of wireless assets (including all adds and changes). Careful supply chain management and processes will produce results that serve your organization’s best interests (and budget).

There’s no question that as corporate mobile usage grows, so will the impact this has on budgets and profits. Working with a mobility management solutions firm that understands the ins and outs of wireless expense management is an investment that produces a solid return for businesses seeking the path to smart wireless expense management.

Learn more about ClearSky Mobility, mobility management services for large and mid-market companies that reduce wireless costs, boost profitability and improve operational efficiencies.

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