Welcome to #CimplVision.
Today’s topic: we give the definition of MACD, an important acronym for telecom.
(Click on image to watch our vlog at Youtube)
The transcript:
Hi! I’m Henry! We get a lot questions about telecom acronyms, and so today I’ll be explaining an important one. The question of the day is:
What is MACD?
MACD stands for an order to Move, Add, Change, or Delete a service. We have to do MACD for services associated to employees whenever an employee takes one of the following actions:
- He moves inside the company
- He joins the company
- He needs new types or levels of services to do his job
- He leave the company.
Keeping track of your MACDs is good practice, because it ensures that you have correct telecom billing. This is one critical part of keeping your costs low.
That’s it for today; thanks for watching! And keep sending us your questions!
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